A dialectic is a synthesis or integration of opposites. In DBT, dialectical strategies help both the therapist and client get unstuck from extreme positions.


    DBT requires a behavioral approach. This means that we asses the situations and target behaviors that are relevant to our clients’ goals in order to figure out how to solve the problems in their lives. Also, working towards a balance of ACCEPTANCE and CHANGE.


    Where we offer four modes of standard outpatient DBT. Individual psychotherapy, DBT skills group, in-the-moment phone coaching, and DBT consultation teams for therapists.

DBT is an evidence-based treatment for individuals who have several mental health conditions including: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal ideation, Self Harming Behaviors, Addictions and Trauma, and individuals with difficulties managing their emotions. It is the gold standard treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD) or BPD traits. Recent research shows DBT is effective more widely for individuals with problems related to regulating their emotions.

From a DBT perspective the reason people have problems regulating their emotions is not due to them choosing to be dysregulated or because of some personal failing. Instead we believe it comes from an inborn biological sensitivity to having intense emotions, coupled with a lack of being given support or taught skills to effectively regulate these emotions.

In other words, 


The environment you were raised in didn't know how to teach you the skills you needed to regulate your emotions and build YOUR LIFE WORTH LIVING. DBT therapists will teach you the skills you need, AND support you in a way to help you master them for life.

What does DBT consist of?

1. Individual DBT Therapy- Weekly       ​​     
       Your individual therapist will partner with you to:            
--> discover what is getting in your way  to changing
           --> target the things you want to change in your life
​           --> strategize the steps skills you need to achieve your goals
​           --> provide support, validation, and accountability as you work toward those goals

2. DBT Skills Group- Weekly       ​​     
       Where you will learn Skills that can change your life.  

3. 24/7 Phone Coaching Support    ​​     
       Where you will be able to call/text your individual therapist for skills suggestions/help in between sessions, to help you master the skills in your day-to-day life.

4. Your Individual Therapist is apart of a DBT Team Meeting​​     
       Where they will meet weekly for expert consultation, adherence to DBT, and support.

What Skills will I Learn?

  • Mindfulness

    Life can get so busy. We can get caught up in our thoughts that we miss the very moment we’re in. We try to escape the present moment, seeking comfort in distraction or unhelpful habits. We get caught up and worry about the future or regrets of the past.

    DBT Mindfulness skills help us live fully in the present moment, without distraction nor judgments. We are able to reduce stress and suffering, and experience more joy.

  • Distress Tolerance

    We often can get so caught up in our day to day lives, that we push things aside, try to forget about it, or continue to avoid it. UNTIL IT IS TOO MUCH! And now everything seems to be going wrong.

    DBT distress tolerance skills help us get through intense emotional situations without doing anything that makes things worse. We also learn how to accept reality as it is, which is a very effective way to reduce our suffering.

  • Emotion Regulation

    Life can create a lot of emotions. Some of us can experience intense emotions that we lose control and do things we regret. Or we are so stuck in painful emotions and don’t know how to get out.

    DBT emotion regulation skills help us to better manage our emotions so they stop managing us!

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

    Life is full of relationships. From friends, to family, to work, to school, to hobbies, to strangers at the store or park. We will have interactions daily and sometimes need help with that.

    DBT interpersonal effectiveness skills teach us how to ask for what we want, say no, and manage conflict in relationships. We learn how to better get our needs met from others. We also learn skills for building and maintaining relationships.