Factors of everyday life can put an abundant strain on our teens.

Severe stressors may include:

  • school problems

  • bullying

  • trauma

  • social isolation

  • not fitting in

  • divorce

  • health problems

When problems go unresolved, or a teen is suffering from mental illness or health complications, teens can feel helpless or have feelings of guilt or shame. Learning effective DBT coping skills can alleviate emotional dysregulation.

Teens often seek DBT counseling when they have impulsive behaviors such as:

  • self-harming

  • suicidal ideation

  • plan or intent

  • struggle with other unhealthy coping skills

This type of therapy can benefit teens and families who have struggle with impulsive behaviors, self harming, difficulty communicating, suicidal thoughts and addictions.

Teen DBT Program

  • Individual DBT Therapy

    Once a week, teens will meet with their individual therapist.

    We offer in person or virtual. Times vary based on therapist availability.

    They will work on target behaviors, discover what is getting in the way of their goals, prioritize steps to get get to their goals, and offer support, accountability and validation.

  • DBT Teen Skills Group

    Once a week, teens will attend our in person DBT Teen group.

    Current time is Tuesday 6:15-7:45pm

    Where a DBT therapist will teach the 4 modules. Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness.

  • Phone Coaching Support

    When teens are in our comprehensive DBT program. They get to utilize our 24/7 phone coaching support. This is where they are able to call or text their individual therapist between sessions, asking for support, help, or suggestions on what skills they can use in their day-to-day life to be more effective and to not act on their target behaviors.

What Skills will I Learn?

  • Mindfulness

    Life can get so busy. We can get caught up in our thoughts that we miss the very moment we’re in. We try to escape the present moment, seeking comfort in distraction or unhelpful habits. We get caught up and worry about the future or regrets of the past.

    DBT Mindfulness skills help us live fully in the present moment, without distraction nor judgments. We are able to reduce stress and suffering, and experience more joy.

  • Distress Tolerance

    We often can get so caught up in our day to day lives, that we push things aside, try to forget about it, or continue to avoid it. UNTIL IT IS TOO MUCH! And now everything seems to be going wrong.

    DBT distress tolerance skills help us get through intense emotional situations without doing anything that makes things worse. We also learn how to accept reality as it is, which is a very effective way to reduce our suffering.

  • Emotion Regulation

    Life can create a lot of emotions. Some of us can experience intense emotions that we lose control and do things we regret. Or we are so stuck in painful emotions and don’t know how to get out.

    DBT emotion regulation skills help us to better manage our emotions so they stop managing us!

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

    Life is full of relationships. From friends, to family, to work, to school, to hobbies, to strangers at the store or park. We will have interactions daily and sometimes need help with that.

    DBT interpersonal effectiveness skills teach us how to ask for what we want, say no, and manage conflict in relationships. We learn how to better get our needs met from others. We also learn skills for building and maintaining relationships.